Well… we took the plunge..
A number of years ago we started selling skateboards here at Rayzor Tattoos because I was sickened about what was going on in the retail end of skating. Retailers had crappy choices and they were not supporting, nor cared about, the Harrisburg skateboarding scene.
After years of supporting events and local skaters in the region I am happy to say Steelton has stepped up to build Dauphin County’s first public and FREE concrete skatepark. So we followed suit here at the tattoo shop and expanded our retail area to include the spot next to us and open up Harrisburg areas only skater owned skateboard shop.
Last Saturday we had a grand opening ribbon cutting bbq… or something like it. It was suggested that we do a chain cutting ceremony instead of a ribbon… and of course we jumped on that idea.
The Steelton borough quickly stepped up and even offered to shut the road down so the kids could skate… well… ok.. lol.

Steelton police along with the borough showing their love and support by shutting the road down for skaters
When the day arrived we were pleasantly surprised by all the people who showed and the support we received. The Steelton mayor, borough manager, and a State Rep assisted in the chain cutting. Even the police showed up to shut the road down and get a little skating in themselves.
Even Local news ABC channel 27 did a story on the event. View story here
Longboard and shortboard skateboarders alike from the central Pennsylvania regions showed up, skated, ate food and enjoyed Steelton’s accommodating attitude towards skaters in anticipation of the nearly finished Steelton skatepark, more to come on that… real soon!