What.. a skateboard park in the Harrisburg PA area?
So… Steelton PA is gonna get a skatepark
… hmm… we’ve heard that before, or have we?
Well I’ve seen it all, or at least thought I had.
Being a LONG TIME advocate and skater has not been an easy ride for myself or anyone else doing similar things in or about the Harrisburg PA regional area.
I started out building a huge vert ramp (on appropriated land mind you) with the original Public Menace crew in the early 80’s. Back then we had very little support and if you wanted anything done, you had to do it yourself. Most ramps were built in people’s back yards.
I then went on to travel the country and compete in vertical skateboarding events, meanwhile advocating and trying to assist in the local scene whenever I could.
I fortunately had the opportunity to design, build and run a facility at a YMCA camp with some like minded people, we ran it for a few years but they eventually sold the camp. Much later, I went to the Poconos at a place called Camp Lohikan and did it again, it still runs today. Mind you these were all private Skateboard facilities, or all but.
Throughout the years some private skateboard parks have come and gone. Meanwhile there has been LOTS of TALK about a public park but NO ONE has delivered.
So, I just kept doing my thing, traveling, downhilling, park skateing, judging events, creating GET on Board, and even opening a small skate shop in the our tattoo shop, which happens to be in Steelton. So you can imagine my pessimism when I heard Steelton is building a skatepark. Yeah right?!
WELL, I took the plunge and decided to contact them. My first contact was with Doug Brown, borough manager. He was happy to show me his Black Flag tattoo and I knew right away this might be the real deal. I pulled in long time friend/skater Nathan Demuro (who also ran skate programs and works with me at the get on Board charity). We met with the borough and insisted to them that they ‘do it right”.
Doug proceeded to tell us that the county commissioner wanted to build a park and contacted Steelton and asked if they could put it there. Next thing I know we were meeting with the borough chief of police, head of codes and others who were jubilantly supportive of a skatepark in their borough.
Get on Board was asked to write a support letter to get grants and show support to the community, so we did.
Steelton is currently is working with engineers and skatepark builder Matt Arment to finalize a design. Alex Knittle of Jawnpiece skateboards, Nathan Demuro of the OGS League, Myself and a few Council members were drafted to be on the skate park committee. The commitees job (as far as I understand it) is to make sure this park is a good thing for all and over see day to day running of the park.. Rest assured we all want a “well built” park. The committee will make it a priority that the design is GOOD and the park is built WELL. Please keep in mind that there is a budget that Steelton is working with and that this park will serve many people. Park current layout is here http://www.steeltonpa.com/steelton-skate-park-coming-municipal-park-springsummer-2017/
We will be having a skateboard video showing Nov 27th here at Rayzor Tattoos. 3 skateboard videos will be shown by local 717 area skateboarders who make some incredible skate board videos.A few council members of Steelton Borough will be here as well to update all on the progress of the park. All are welcome to attend.

Don’t miss the video showing of Supreme Architecture, by Alex Knittle of Jawnpiece skateboards. Come to Rayzor Tattos watch the video and meet Steelton borough representatives to learn more about Harrisburg Area’s first public skateboard park.
Please show up to find out more and show your support, cause i’m sure we are gonna need it.