Yesterday May 9th 2017 will now be known as an epic day to the Harrisburg regions skateboarding community. Steelton PA had it’s Skatepark ground breaking ceremony. Yep, it’s official, Steelton will be building Dauphin county’s first FREE public skatepark. The park will fill a much needed skateboarding void to the residents and skateboarders of the surrounding regions, be it Harrisburg, Camp Hill, the West Shore, Colonial Park, Middletown, Paxtang or anywhere else in the 717 area. It’s no secret that Steelton and the Dauphin county commissioners support skateboarding. The park will be built by veteran skater and park builder Arment Concrete with funding made possible via a tourism and gaming grants from the county alongside loans taken out by the Steelton borough.
The turn out for the ground breaking was nothing short of spectacular, with Steelton’s own skateboarding police officer, the police chief, mayor, borough manager and other officials giving supporting words and encouragement to the project and the skateboarding community. In other words, STEELTON GETS IT!!
Many skaters showed up and were excited to see once and for all something being done about this long neglected population. Rumor has it that a skater even gave a complete skateboard to a local kid to skate on, now that’s love.
After all the speeches and thank yous were given an impromptu skate session broke out on the site, demonstrating the excitement and diversity of those who attended. Police officers, local long boarders, business owners, kids from out of the area, and even a father skating with his 4 year old daughter could be seen skating around.
The crew at Rayzor Tattoos and Skateshop and the Get on Board Skateboarding program are excited to see such a project happen in their town and would like to publicly thank Doug Brown (Borough Manager) for being so supportive and such an awesome dude.
Enjoy the pics of yesterday’s event below…

Nate Demuro of the Get on Board skateboarding program showing support

Local skaters from Steelton and surrounding areas say… It’s about TIME!

Ray Young of Rayzor Tattoos and Skateshop talking skateboarding with the Mayor

Ray and his ever supportive girl Jamie