Steelton Skatepark update
As you probably already know Steelton is getting Dauphin County’s first public and free skateboard park.
The park Located at municipal park (right outside Harrisburg) came about as a concentrated effort between the Dauphin County Commissioners, Steelton Borough, Rayzor Tattoos and Skateshop, and the Get on Board skateboarding program…. Among others I am sure (sorry if I left you out).
Arment Concrete won the public bid and the construction is well on it’s way. The park will consist of a bowl (4 and 6 feet deep), a ¾ open ended bowl (approx 4 feet deep), hubbas, banks, a rail, and even a set of stairs. The park covers 2 tennis courts (approx 10,000 square feet) and will be all concrete (thank god).
This park looks good so far, nice big coping and some real flowing lines with a bunch of hips. Projected date for completion is sometime in August. I know we are getting anxious. Til then enjoy the pics and check back and/or follow the skatepark facebook page for updates.